Adjustment Disorder

A group of emotional symptoms, such as stress, sadness or hopelessness, and even physical symptoms that arise after a child experiences a stressful life event. The child’s strong reaction may seem out of proportion to the event itself because he or she is struggling to cope with the situation.

Parent / Child Conflict

Living with others increases the opportunity for all types of interaction, especially conflict. When there is strain in the relationship between caregiver and child, communications may break down and arguments become more frequent.

Child Abuse or Neglect

Abuse means deliberately hurting a child and potentially causing injuries, including bruises, broken bones, burns or cuts. Neglect can include everything from failing to keep kids safe or offer basic necessities such as food, shelter and healthcare.

Sexual Abuse

Engaging in sexual activities with a child, indecent exposure, or using a child to create pornography.

Acting Out at Home or in School / Fighting with Other Children

Repeated bad behavior – whether at school, home or both – suggests that kids may be struggling with underlying behavioral or mental health issues. See their acting out as a cry for help.


Loss of a loved one or an important relationship may spark a prolonged grief process that can lead to depression and/or anxiety.


Exposure to violence, abuse, crime, loss of a loved one – the emotional upheaval associated with witnessing difficult events may leave lasting emotional scars on children.


Positive self-images help make better, healthier decisions and be more resilient. They also are less likely to develop depression or other mental health conditions, according to studies undertaken by the Mayo Clinic.

Family Conflict / Divorce

While every family experiences turbulence, children exposed to frequent fighting and or extreme conflict can develop mental health disorders.

Anger / Aggression

Repeatedly throwing tantrums or engaging in destructive behaviors (including hurting other children or adults). Out-of-control anger often indicates an underlying issue, such as family conflict, trauma, ADHD or Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).