Become A Foster Parent
Over 27,000 children in Ohio need stable, consistent and loving homes, which is where we (and you) come in. St. Vincent Family Services matches children who need a place of respite and stability with foster parents who can provide loving, nurturing temporary homes.
Demonstrate the transformative power of love. Become a foster parent in Ohio and change a child’s life.
Upcoming Training
SVFS holds monthly Pre-Service Training sessions for anyone interested in becoming a foster parent. Register below!
Respite Care
Not quite ready to commit to being a full time foster parent? Consider becoming a respite provider. The goal of respite care is to provide short term relief to foster parents and caregivers of children. Sign up here to learn more!
We Support You
St. Vincent Family Services offers an intimate, family-oriented approach to supporting foster parents – we are by your side every step of the way. Our foster parents are provided with expert training, 24/7 support, one-on-one coaching, access to all of our social-emotional health services as well as our behavioral health experts to offer the support you need to foster a child.
The SVFS Foster Parent Process
To learn more about our Foster Care program and help us get to know you, fill out this form or call 614-743-5856. We will send you an information packet and schedule an informational session at your convenience.
- Attend required Foster Parent Training classes that clarify the expectations, responsibilities, challenges and rewards of fostering.
- Training classes will resume in January 2024.
- Complete the Family Assessment, which involves 3+ home visits from a licensing coordinator. These can be done while attending classes.
- Submit documentation to recommend your foster care licensure through the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services.
- A child will be placed in your home – and we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Foster Hope
SVFS is grateful for the support of the Christ Child Society of Columbus Foster Hope program, designed to show hope and love to foster children transitioning to their new homes and to support the families who open their hearts and their homes to those children.